Tag: Home Loan

Posted on 11/12/2023
Guide to using FHA Title I loans for home improvement
No matter the age and condition of your home, you may...
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Posted on 03/14/2021
How to Negotiate a Land Contract Vs. a Mortgage
Image by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay With a mortgage, a buyer is applying for financing to purchase the property in its entirety. They're relying on their credit and assets for approval before assuming responsibility of the full property. In a land contract, you're cutting out the need for a formal lender and relying on the seller to approve or...
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Posted on 03/31/2019
Real Estate Terminology
In real estate terminology, you may hear about various ratios and where you need to fall within the ratio to qualify for the home you want. A ratio simply expresses a relationship between two values: they compare two things, so a student/teacher ratio might be shown as 18:1, or one teacher for every 18 students. Different ratios apply...
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